Fetish Effigies
Image: The Circular Ruins by Ida Rödén, used with kind permission of the artist.
Chamber ensemble: Flute (picc./afl.), Oboe (c.a.), Clarinet, Horn, Percussion, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
Duration: c. 8’
Recording of First Performance
Flutes: Bridget Douglas
Oboe/cor anglais: Robert Orr/Rixon Thomas*
Clarinet: Patrick Barry/Gretchen Dunsmore
Horn: Ed Allen
Percussion: Murray Hickman/Lenny Sakofsky
Piano: Xenia Pestova/Donald Nicolson
Violin: Vesa-Matti Leppänen
Viola: Johnny Chang/Katherine Rowe
Cello: Robert Ibell
Double bass: Vicki Jones
Conductor: Hamish McKeich
This composite recording is edited from two live performances recorded by RNZ Concert. The first was made in the Illott Concert Chamber, Wellington, on August 18 2000 [producer: Roger Smith] and the second in the School of Music Theatre, University of Auckland on 30 March 2003 [producer Matthew Crawford]. The final edited recording was made by Roy Carr with James Gardner.
* where two performers are listed the names refer to the first and second recording respectively.
From Waiteata CD WTA 008